The Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion or Eucharistic Ministers (EMs) is a powerful ministry to which the Church invites her lay members. Ministers hold and distribute the Body and Blood of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, while affirming their faith and witnessing the faith of others during the Rite of Communion. It truly is a wonderful, gentle, and love-filled ministry. As with any ministry in the Church, those called to serve will deepen and enhance their relationship with Jesus by coming to know Him better.
To be truly suited for this ministry, the individual must be a fully initiated Catholic (received the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist), be living in Communion with the Church and the parish community, and have a deep spiritual faith (if married, he/she must have been married in the Church). EMs are registered members of Incarnation Catholic Church and attend Sunday Mass here.